We have accumulated thousands of hours of experience working with and extending the capabilities of ERP, MRP, CRM and other Enterprise applications. In most cases, these extensions have been focused on improved reporting, addition of custom user interfaces to update the host database, or real-time integration of host application transactions with other, downstream applications.
Most extensions fall into one of two categories:
The first are custom software development efforts resulting in applications that stand beside the host application and integrate its functionality with the host application. The complimentary application typically draws data from the host application, or provides data to the host.
- Second are those solutions that might require a blend of host processing and separate processing to integrate the host data into other, mission-critical functionality.
Most often, We utilize an array of web application development software and database application development tools to accomplish the desired goals. In many cases, this results in a Web database development effort, enabling the client to take advantage of such capabilities as sales force automation, workflows, corporate intranet portals and other state-of-the-art business tools.
We often take full responsibility for the creation of the extension application. Depending on client capabilities, We are often called upon to undertake changes to the configuration of the host application to perform the required functions.
Large, enterprise ERP/MRP/CRM applications provide an extremely broad range of capabilities to an extremely large user base. However, most implementations of these applications require the addition of specialized functionality that does not come “out-of-the-box”. Therefore, We have found that well designed and implemented extensions to these host applications extend their value and economic shelf-life, thereby providing a more complete solution to the client.